Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to cover any questions you may have, if you do have any further questions that we have not answered please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to your arrival and helping you to a speedy recovery.

What can I expect at my first appointment?

Your first visit will involve assessment, treatment and probably some homework.

We will begin with an in-depth talk about your presenting problem, your occupation, lifestyle, your general health and your goals. We will then complete a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms; this helps to identify the affected tissues and make an accurate decision of what the problem is. This will be explained to you at this stage.

We will formulate a treatment plan for your recovery going forward. There is usually time to start the treatment on the first visit. Finally, you will be given some homework and any future appointments required will be discussed and justified.

If your problem is particularly complex, then the assessment can take the full appointment time with a treatment plan commenced at your follow-up session.

What will my homework involve?

Once your assessment is complete, we will have a good idea of the treatment plan we need to develop for you. This will involve a combination of treatment from your therapist and home rehabilitation or ‘homework’ that you will be asked to carry out. The ‘homework’ will evolve over the course of your recovery, aiming to progressively improve your function closer to your goals, this depends on your commitment to carry it out.

Your homework will involve around what works for you and your goals and available spare time. Sometimes you will need to modify your activities initially and then re-introduce the previously painful activity to progress to full function.

How many treatments will I need?

This is a little tricky to establish, as it is partially dependent on your injury, your body’s response to treatment, and commitment to the homework given to you in your treatment plan and the progression of your pain and injury. You can be assured that we only treat what is necessary when it is necessary.

Talk to your therapist after your initial assessment and we can discuss this further with you.

Do I need to bring anything to my appointment?

It would be useful to bring along anything significant in your medical history such as details of medical conditions, medication, any previous injuries and surgeries.

Examples of documents that may be useful:

  • Medical notes
  • You will also need to know any previous major surgery, accidents or illnesses, along with any current medication.
  • Related equipment to your injury – If your problem is athletic/activity related e.g. running or playing a musical instrument, then you should bring any related equipment.
  • The most important thing to bring with you is the attitude to partake in the process of your recovery and to interact with our therapist to make their role more effective.
What should I wear to my appointment?

Suitable clothing and underwear are required to allow the therapist to access and assess the site of injury.

Ideally a pair of shorts in the case of lower limb problem. For a lower back assessment, we often require to see the majority of your back and so we would ask you to uncover both your lower and upper back. With an upper limb or neck problem, you will be required to uncover your top half whilst remaining decent. Ladies should wear underwear that they would be happy to be seen in or to bring a vest top bra to allow your therapist to assess the trunk, shoulder and neck area.

Will I have to undress?

For our therapist to be able to accurately assessment and gather all relevant information it is generally beneficial to uncover the body site in question.

We assure you that all levels of decency will be observed at all times and we encourage you to bring a chaperone if you would feel more comfortable.

It is important to communicate your feelings if at any time you feel uncomfortable during the process. Our primary concern is your satisfaction with the experience.

Where can I park?

All clinic locations have sufficient free parking on site.

Do you have disabled access?

Our Ilminster clinic treatment room is on the ground floor and there is a slope leading up to the front door. 

Unfortunately, due to the restriction of our buildings and our treatment rooms being located on the first floor at our Exteer and Honiton clinics, there is no disabled access. Please contact us if you are concerned about accessing the clinic.

What do I do if I cannot attend my appointment?

We operate our cancellation policy to allow us to continue offering the highest level of care to clients on our waiting list who need an appointment and to ensure they can make it.

Please see our Cancellation Policy for more details.

How can I pay for my appointment?

We accept card or cash payments.