
Acupuncture is shown to be effective in reducing your pain and therefore helping you to move more freely, accelerating your recovery and managing pain with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and helping you to achieve your rehabilitation goals with either chronic or acute pain.

What’s involved…

The Basics

Initial Consultation: £60 – 55 minute face to face appointment.

Follow ups: £50 – 45 minute appointment.

Please allow up to 55 minutes for face to face appointments so that we can complete payment and any rebooking.

Are you in need of more than one appointment?
Save with block bookings. Ask us for more information.

The Process

During the Acupuncture appointment, we go through a thorough assessment of your pain, followed by a focused treatment of Acupuncture in the areas that are highlighted as significantly impacting the pain.

Additional treatment such as stretching may be included and home rehabilitation exercises and stretches will likely be prescribed.

​Your treatment plan depends on the severity and underlying cause of your pain.

The Benefits

Acupuncture is used to facilitate relaxation and can immediately decrease pain, increase range of motion, decrease muscle tightness accelerating your recovery and managing pain with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia or acute injuries.

Many people experience an immediate reduction in local and widespread pain after just one Acupuncture session. Others may need several sessions to achieve optimum pain relief.

What is it?

Acupuncture​ is known as Trigger-point dry needling and is an invasive procedure where a fine acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle. It is aimed at myofascial trigger points which are hyperirritable spots in skeletal muscle.

Acupuncture is not advised for those with a needle phobia or fear of the technique. There are certain conditions which are not appropriate for Acupuncture – please get in contact with us to check you are suitable for this treatment.

“I was back on my feet in no time!”

“I am now able to do 18 miles of coastal walking at a time with no pain or issues afterwards. I have completed the Jurassic coastal path and many 5-10k charity runs. This could have not been possible without the expertise and amazing care given by the ReBalance team over the past 5 years!”

Exercise Fanatic and ReBalance client since 2017

Book Appointment

If you’re ready to book an appointment please fill out the form below and we will be in contact soon. Alternatively, if you have any questions prior to booking please email us at

Click here to read our cancellation policy.

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