Sports Massage

Sports massage is suited to you if you want to complement your training, prepare your body before an event to perform at your best, aid your recovery after an event, or reduce the effects of your daily stress and tension.

What’s involved…

The Basics

£45 – 45 min appointment.

£90 – 90 min appointment.

Ahead of your first appointment we will complete a phone call to get to know you, your goals and your history of any injuries or niggles.

Are you in need of more than one appointment?
Save with block bookings. Ask us for more information.

Do you know someone who could benefit from a little TLC? Then a gift voucher may be the perfect gift.

The Process

We discuss your current exercise and training levels, the goals you would like to achieve and explore the best options for you.

We complete a short assessment on the area you are feeling tight and would like treatment.

A focus treatment of sports massage and deep tissue techniques to the area you have highlighted to help reduce the effect of stresses put onto the musculoskeletal system.

The Benefits

Sports massage is a long established and very effective therapy and will benefit those with minor aches and pains – anything persistent may need an assessment and treatment appointment.

Benefits include: Reduces post physical activity soreness, aids recovery, reduces swelling and muscle spasm, reduces muscular tightness, helps to maintain flexibility, reduces stress, reduces muscular pain, boosts immune system, and reduces blood pressure.

Are you in pain?

Are you looking for advice and guidance on how to improve your pain?

As we do not complete a full assessment in a sports massage appointment, we cannot give any in depth personalised advice or guidance.

Please look into our injury assessment and treatment service for more advice and recommendations on how to improve your pain.

“Such a massive difference to both your physical and mental wellbeing​!”

Absolutely fantastic service as always, so knowledgeable and you always feel in extremely capable hands. They find solutions to problems you didn’t know you had which make such a massive difference to both your physical and mental wellbeing. I cannot recommend highly enough.”

Gym Goer and Marathon Walker, ReBalance client

Book Appointment

If you’re ready to book an appointment please fill out the form below and we will be in contact soon. Alternatively, if you have any questions prior to booking please email us at

Click here to read our cancellation policy.

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