Kerri-Ann Upham – Elite Triathlete

Elite Triathlete, Kerri-Ann Upham, racing at the XTERRA World Championships

It really is the little things that make a big difference, since working with Abby I have become a stronger, more robust and well-rounded athlete.

Kerri-Ann Upham
Elite XTERRA Triathlete 


Performance Development
Sports Massage

As an elite triathlete it’s essential to create a strong team of experts to support you in getting the very best out of yourself. ReBalance Injury Clinic are an integral part of my team and are already having a huge impact on my athletic performance through their performance development service.

The area of triathlon that I specialise in is “XTERRA Triathlon”, this involves swimming (1500m), mountain biking (35km) and trail running (10km). Over the last 5 years I have been racing as an amateur athlete, consistently winning my age group, culminating in becoming amateur World and European Champion in 2022.

Following this success, in 2023, I took a leap of faith and made the decision to step up into the elite ranks.

I first met Abby in early 2023 and was immediately struck by her knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm for Sports Therapy. I quickly learned that a partnership with ReBalance would be so much more than simply having a sports massage, and their company ethos really resonated with me:

“We believe in root cause analysis to ensure that we are not only treating your current aches and pains but identifying and correcting the cause of these. We see evidence-based practice, hands on treatment and movement central to the meaning of being healthy and functional. We collaborate with you to build a plan that suits you, which focuses on and encourages movement and exercise rehabilitation.”

During our first consultation, along with my Coach Rob Moore of trimoore coaching, we discussed my background, goals for the season and current training schedule. Abby proceeded to take me through a bespoke performance development screen which included a series of comprehensive strength and mobility tests with the goal of identifying potential weakness for us to work on.

Combining my anecdotal feedback with the results of the movement screening, Abby identified a small set of areas to work on. I was amazed by her ability to track down the root cause of my symptoms – I would never have guessed that my frequent glute tightness had a connection to foot strength!

After identifying the areas for development, Abby produced a bespoke conditioning plan with specific exercises tailored to my individual needs. The new strength plan integrated seamlessly into my training schedule. Abby designed the sessions so that they complemented my current strength routine and wouldn’t impact the other sessions I have during the week.

The bespoke plan was delivered by their easy to use exercise app “PhysiApp”. This was a fantastic tool, it listed each of my exercises, along with informative videos and a prompt to check each one off once completed – there were no excuses for not getting them done!

As my debut elite racing season got underway, having regular monthly touch points with Abby was invaluable. My season opened with XTERRA UK and XTERRA Portugal where I achieved 3rd and 4th places respectively. Whilst I was pleased with my strong performances, I felt I had more to give and that there were areas that could be improved upon.

In XTERRA triathlon it is important to be a strong and robust athlete, these races are often over 3hrs in duration and are held over incredibly tough terrains (lots of steep hills!) I felt that I needed more strength and stability for the run leg and as such Abby tweaked the plan, adjusted some of the exercises and introduced further specific stretches.

When it came to the pointy end of the season, I could really feel the difference!

I’ve recently returned from XTERRA Czech Republic, a World Cup triathlon race where the start list was packed with the World’s best off-road triathletes. I got off to a fantastic start, having a strong 1500m swim and exiting the water in the chasing pack. The mountain bike course was a proper slog – 33km and lots of climbing! The 10km trail run was equally as brutal, with very long and steep climbs, strength and robustness was key. When I hit the run, thanks to the specific strength I had developed over the year, I was able to overtake 5 of the elite women to secure a place in the top 10!

It really is the little things that make a big difference, since working with Abby I have become a stronger, more robust and well-rounded athlete – I can’t wait to see where we go from here!

The next race for me will be the World Championships held in the Italian Alps this September!

It has been great working with Kerri-Ann this season. She is evidently hugely committed to her training, has implemented and engaged with everything we discussed, and therefore has seen the benefits in her performance. 

When we work with athletes who are not injured, we are looking to complement their training with bespoke conditioning programs with the sole aim of performance development. We debrief and discuss their training and races to highlight any areas which can be improved on. We then assess global and specific movement patterns and look closely at where we can make those small changes. We aim to gain the small improvements in strength and range of motion in key areas around the body which can help to maximise performance, reduce fatigue when our athletes are pushing those limits, helping to keep them robust when competing and reduces the risk of injury.

We are looking forward to see what Kerri-Ann can achieve in her upcoming race at the World Championships in Italy and working closely with Kerri-Ann and her coach Rob in the coming months to develop things further.


Photo credits: XTERRA Europe.

What is Acupuncture and how does it work?

What is Acupuncture and how does it work?

Apr 2023
Advice & Information
5 minutes
Abby Raddon

What is Acupuncture?

At ReBalance Injury Clinic, we offer musculoskeletal or medical acupuncture treatment as part of our injury rehabilitation service.

Patients often ask us how acupuncture works. There are different directions you could explore here: an Eastern and Western stand-point.

Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that originated in China over 2,500 years ago. The Eastern ancient traditional Chinese acupuncture method involves inserting needles along specific meridian lines. The aim is to restore the flow of our ‘Qi’ life force energy (pronounced ‘chee’) to help promote health and overall balance. There is not a strong body of scientific research and evidence to support the existence of Qi.

Medical acupuncture is based on the principles of traditional acupuncture, but it incorporates a more scientific approach to the practice and is based more on the current understanding of human anatomy, physiology and pathology. It involves the insertion of needles into specific trigger points, or tight bands of muscle that cause pain or discomfort. By inserting needles into these trigger points, therapists aim to produce a clinical effect to alleviate musculoskeletal pain.

Medical acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, tension-type headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, arthritis, acute pain, lower back pain, neck pain, post-operative pain and many others. We have a body of research articles below that support the use of acupuncture in many common musculoskeletal conditions.

The needles used in medical acupuncture are extremely thin, while some patients may experience a slight prick or pinch when the needle is inserted, most people report feeling very little discomfort. Once the needles are in place, they are typically left in for about 10-30 minutes, during which time patients may experience a sensation of warmth, heaviness, or tingling in the area where the needles have been inserted.


So how does medical acupuncture actually work?

While the exact mechanisms are not yet fully understood, there are several theories that have been proposed to explain its therapeutic effects. The exact mechanisms are still unknown and further research is needed, however, there is good evidence to suggest the beneficial impact that acupuncture has on musculoskeletal issues and pain.

There are many neurophysiological mechanisms which may explain why acupuncture may have an analgesic effect and reduce the pain we feel.

  • Firstly, the needles in the skin and muscle can activate nociceptors (sensory receptors that detect signals from damaged tissue or threat of damage), which can induce pain relief and relaxation of the trigger points.
  • Another response is that the needles stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Endorphins are chemicals that are produced in response to stress or pain, and they can help to reduce pain and promote a sense of well-being.
  • Another is that by inserting needles into specific trigger points, this stimulates improved blood flow and the production of collagen and other healing factors, which can help to promote tissue repair and regeneration.
  • Acupuncture needles can modulate the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates many of the body’s involuntary functions such as breathing, heart rate, and digestion. By stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture may help to rebalance the autonomic nervous system and activate parts of our nervous system which can modulate pain and pain relief which can have a positive impact on many different aspects of health.

Despite the many theories that have been proposed to explain its therapeutic effects, there is still much that is not fully understood about how medical acupuncture works. However, there is a growing body of scientific research and clinical experience that highlight the benefits that it can be effective in reducing pain levels and treating a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture is now also approved by the NICE clinical guidelines.

If you are interested in exploring medical acupuncture as a treatment option, be sure to consult with a licensed medical professional who is trained in this practice. They can help you determine if acupuncture is right for you and develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

At ReBalance, all our therapists that offer this treatment are fully trained and licenced to practice Acupuncture.

Get in contact to find out more about how we can help you.

We have put together a range of studies that support the use of acupuncture as part of a multi-modal approach for patients suffering from common musculoskeletal symptoms including:

Our Bespoke Exercise App

Our bespoke exercise app helps you achieve your goals

At ReBalance Injury Clinic we pride ourselves in offering you the best support to achieve your goals.

Whilst working together, we give you access to a bespoke app called PhysiApp which allows you to view our tailored exercise program we have developed for you.

We know that it’s hard to consistently do your exercises between appointments. Whether it’s forgetting to complete exercises in between a busy schedule, you struggle to remember the key coaching points, you have lost your exercise sheet, you can’t do certain exercises due to a flare up of pain, you lose motivation, you easily forget your starting point and the achievements you’ve made, or the dog ate your exercise sheet!


We have a solution…

We believe PhysiApp will support you in achieving your goals more effectively:

  • View your prescribed exercise program by following crystal-clear, narrated exercise videos.
  • Built-in reminders help you to stay on track towards a better you!
  • Easily track your adherence, keeping you accountable and motivated.
  • Never forget the key focus points of your exercises.
  • It helps us to monitor your pain levels and adapt your program accordingly.
  • It enables feedback and communication with your therapist between appointments.
  • Keep track of your progression.
  • Easily access your exercises wherever you are – through the app, webpage or download a pdf.

PhysiApp is completely free to download from the App store and Google Play store or can be accessed via your web browser.


Watch the video below to learn how PhysiApp can help you achive your goals and how to ensure you have the best experience.


Learn how to update your exercises on the app following a review with your therapist

Learn how to download your exercises.

Use the instructions below to learn how to download your exercises into a single document that is easy to refer back to quickly.

Click here to jump to the webpage instructions.

Click here to jump to the app instructions.

How to update your exercises on the app following a review with your therapist

Follow the instructions below to learn how to update your exercises after a review with your therapist if you are using the app.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by emailing

Open PhysiApp and click on the preferences button at the bottom of the screen. Once in the preferences tab, click on the ‘My programme’ button.

You will then see a section that says ‘Last updated’, click on this line and your program will be updated to the new exercises.  

How to download your exercises into a single document if you are using PhysiApp through a webpage.

Watch the video below to learn how to download a document of your exercises, or follow the step by step instructions below.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by emailing

Click on the link in your email that says ‘Access your exercise program online at’ and you will arrive onto the exercises on PhysiApp webpage, you will need to enter your program code and your year of birth.
Click on the button named ‘Preferences’, at the bottom of the page.
You will arrive to a page that looks like this. Once on this page, click on the button ‘Show printable version’
It will open up the print program settings where you can create your printable PDF version of the exercises.

Select your preference of text size and whether you would like to print the tracking sheets or not.

Then click ‘create printable PDF’ and a new tab will open that shows your exercises.

To save the PDF document, click on the arrow icon at the top right side of the screen and it will ask where you would like to save your exercise document.

Save it in your preferred location and click save.

Once saved, open that folder and you should see your exercise document.

How to download your exercises into a single document if you are using the PhysiApp app through a phone or tablet.

Watch the video to learn how to download a document of your exercises, or follow the step by step instructions below.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by emailing

Download the PhysiApp app on your phone or tablet by clicking on the link in the exercise email.

You will need to enter your program code (which is on the email) and year of birth.

Click on the ‘Preferences’ button at the bottom of the page.

Once you are on the preferences page, click on ‘My Programme’

Then press the button in the top right corner which is a square with an upwards arrow.

Enter your email and your exercises should arrive to your email in a PDF format.

Client Story: Ceri – Exercise and Walking Enthusiast

Exercise is a huge part of my life to maintain both physical and mental health!

“I have completed the Jurassic coastal path and many 5-10k charity runs. This could have not been possible without the expertise and amazing care given by the ReBalance team over the past 5 years!”

Exercise Enthusiast and ReBalance client since 2017


Injury Assessment and Treatment
Sports Massage

“I started visiting ReBalance Injury Clinic in 2017 with recurrent knee issues relating to being over-weight most of my teenage/younger years. After losing 4stone, I took up running and did not understand the benefits of the ideal training load and intensity, warming up/cooling down and stretching.

Abby spent a lot of time going through the importance of looking after your body, giving me exercises to do at home to increase my ability to run further and faster. On top of this, her knowledge of the human body and the reason our bodies react in such a way is phenomenal and I would trust her over most health professionals when it comes to how I progress with my fitness journey.

Since visiting, I have been able to exercise for whole days, enrolling in fitness retreats and working out all day for FUN!

In 2020, I sprained my ankle whilst running in some under cliffs and Abby had me back on my feet in no time, giving me stretches and exercises to practice at home. Exercise is a huge part of my life and without this my mental health suffers massively so this monthly appointment is just as important as the exercise in itself. When I do not have an injury/issue, Abby works on my shoulder blades/back muscles. I work as a secretary so spend a lot of time sitting and typing, so my back muscles regularly need a lot of work!

I am now able to do 18 miles of coastal walking at a time with no pain or issues afterwards. I have completed the Jurassic coastal path and many 5-10k charity runs. This could have not been possible without the expertise and amazing care given by Abby and her team over the past 5 years.”

We have loved seeing Ceri’s passion for exercise develop over the last few years, and we admire her drive and commitment to her goals, training plans and to herself. Her current goal is to complete the rest of the South West Coast Path and to of course get some amazing photos along the way! We look forward to helping you complete your goal!

Client Story: Clare – Incredible Marathon Walk for Charity!

Transformational! From avoiding exercise as best she can, to the gym being her 2nd home and smashing a marathon walk for charity.

“They find solutions to problems you didn’t know you had which make such a massive difference to both your physical and mental wellbeing. I cannot recommend highly enough.”

Gym Goer and Marathon Charity Walker, ReBalance client since 2020


Injury Assessment and Treatment
Sports Massage

Clare came to us in early 2020, close to the start of her journey and the first Covid-19 lockdown. She had shoulder pain with her day-to-day movements when lifting her arm up away from her body, this was due to the non-existent training and activity she had done before starting a 4-week challenge at B! Health and Fitness.

We got Clare booked in for an Injury Assessment and Treatment and we diagnosed her problem as subacromial impingement. We developed a tailored treatment plan based on her highlighted needs to get her back to pain free movement so that she could focus on her training and improvements towards her goals.

Despite Clare trying to fool us in the fact that she had actually done her rehab exercises a couple of times (we can always tell if you don’t!), we were able to reduce her pain quickly and alongside the team at B! with their personal training sessions, we kept her on top of her exercises and got her back to training pain free again.

“Absolutely fantastic service as always, Abby is so knowledgeable and you always feel in extremely capable hands. Abby finds solutions to problems you didn’t know you had which make such a massive difference to both your physical and mental wellbeing. I cannot recommend highly enough.

From then, nothing could stop her. She has gone from being overweight, no exercise, smoking, and suffering two small strokes due to Meningitis on the brain, which at the time, altered her eye sight, gait and reduced the strength on the left side of her body. To now, where the gym is her second home and family – she is there 5 times a week for her own sessions, personal training sessions and spin classes (we also see her socialising a lot too!).

Her transformation is absolutely unbelievable and she is looking fantastic! She has lost a lot of weight, gained a lot of confidence and is smashing her targets. What a fantastic achievement.

This year she accepted the challenge with a few other gym members and staff at B! Health and Fitness to complete a charity walk in Brixham. This wasn’t just any walk – this was a 42km, marathon distance walk, over extremely steep south west coast path terrain. So, this was always going to be a tough challenge to accept for Clare as this was above and beyond her fitness levels. Despite the few hurdles she has encountered, with the stress her work and personal life has thrown at her during her training – she managed to keep focused and stayed on top of what she needed to do. We had a few physical hurdles along the way too but we were able to keep the pain under control with hands on treatment, whilst we adapted her walk training to match her tolerance and progressively built the distances back up, we also altered Clare’s training program and conditioning in the gym to meet our treatment goals.

Her hard work and determination in combination with our expertise, meant she not only got back on track, she got through the most intense training period and improved her physical ability and made it to the start line of the walk event! Now, the walk did try to break her because of the under-estimated terrain difficulty, but she was determined to power through and she smash it and got to the finish line. Clare individually raised over £2000, and as a team they raised over £8000 for The Alzheimer’s Society.

An incredible attitude and achievement! We are so very proud of you. You’ve smashed it!

Clare values the focused and wider benefits she feels from our appointments and she has decided to invest in herself and her physical health by complimenting her future training with regular appointments with us. This will help keep her on track and focused towards her training and improving any weaknesses.

We look forward to continue working alongside Clare and see her hit her future targets.